Help for those who don’t attend Spring Hills
And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
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The purpose of our mercy ministry (First Touch) is to lead Spring Hills in administering mercy in times of dire need; doing so in such a way that at every opportunity that presents itself, the love of Christ will be shared and the gospel will be presented so that seeds will be planted for the Kingdom of God. With God’s help we will do this through First Touch.
The goal of First Touch will be to build strong relationships with other mercy agencies in the community in order to insure that we are good stewards of God’s time, money and resources, and that we can meet as many legitimate needs as possible. First Touch offers hope and help to needy families in our community.
First Touch Team is directed by : Bob Prado.

As First Touch keeps mercy awareness before the churches in the community, our hope is that the congregations will always be mercy-minded and generous with their time, talents and treasures.

First Touch helps with:

  • Food (donations to the local food pantry and by assisting families with food).
  • Shelter (emergency utility & rent help, and home repair)
  • Auto (simple car repair, gas fill up, oil changes)
  • Job Preparation (resume writing, job search, computer skills, budget)

Those We Serve

If you are in need of our help please contact the church office at (636) 677-0409. We stand ready to evaluate how we can best serve, whether it is to provide the help needed ourselves, or to refer to another agency or resource better suited to help. All calls for First Touch are confidential and we will take the utmost care to maintain privacy.

How You Can Help

If you are from Spring Hills Church or from a different church or organization and would like to learn more about the needs in the community and how to best meet those needs, and are interested in becoming involved with First Touch Ministries, contact the church office at (636) 677-0409. Once you contact us we will add you to our volunteer database which will enable us to be better equipped in mobilizing volunteers as needs arise.

If you have any questions or would like to get connected to First Touch,
please email Bob Prado at