The PCA is an Evangelical and Reformed Presbyterian denomination. By Evangelical, we mean that we emphasize the gospel (good news of salvation) through faith in Jesus Christ, as well as affirming other orthodox Christian doctrines and holding to the inerrancy of Scripture (the whole Bible is completely accurate, sufficient, and without error).
By Reformed, we mean that we are connected to the teachings of the historic church and the doctrinal beliefs recovered by the Reformation. These doctrinal beliefs are expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. All officers of the Presbyterian Church in America must personally subscribe to and uphold the teachings of the Westminster Confession of Faith.
By Presbyterian, we describe our representative form of church government. Local churches are governed by a “Session” of “presbyters” (elders), elected by the members of the congregation. Representatives of local PCA churches within a geographical area compose a “presbytery.” Representatives of the presbyteries meet annually at “General Assembly.” Thus, through combined efforts and resources of all the PCA churches, we are enabled to advance God’s Kingdom much more effectively. (Excerpts taken from the PCA brochure)
To learn more about the PCA visit the denomination website at
To learn more about the PCA positions visit the PCA Historical Center.
The PCA holds to the Westminster Confession of Faith standards. Read about the Westminster Confession of Faith including The Larger Catechism (part 1) and The Larger Catechism (part 2) as well as The Shorter Catechism.